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Recipes for Repair: A 10 Week Program for Chronic Inflammation and Food Sensitivities book cover

306 Pages, 182 Recipes, Only $34.95!

Eat Real Food. Get Real Healthy!

Those sluggish, unmotivated, blah feelings you have may stem directly from undiscovered food sensitivities, inflammatory illnesses, and just plain eating the wrong foods.

With this program, we’ll give you the tools, techniques, and most importantly, the support to get food with no nutritional value out of your diet, lose weight and feel better.

Trying new diets can be overwhelming, especially when you feel you’re addicted to breads, sugars and junk food, but we’re here to help you through that with some of the most delicious recipes you and your family will ever have.

We’ll be there to support you, answer your questions and to share all the valuable insight, tools, tips, and strategies we’ve developed since we first implemented the diet ourselves.

With this diet, I’ve enjoyed the full elimination of all my digestive problems (indigestion, heartburn, stomach pain), throat congestion and acne. I want you to experience the same health successes I have, and together, I know we can.

Program Details

With this program, you’ll receive:
• Daily emails coaching and supporting you to better health
• Five new, unpublished recipes from co-author, Gail Piazza
• Membership in a closed Facebook support group

Our Next Session

We do not currently have another session planned but are considering adding another session in 2023. Check back here often for more details.

Recipes for Repair