Chronic Inflammation Self-Assessment Tool
Positive (Anti-Inflammatory) Daily Dietary and Lifestyle Factors
Award yourself the indicated positive (+) number for each of the following items that are part of your average daily or weekly dietary and lifestyle routine. If the item does not apply to you, leave that particular score blank.
Fruit Consumption
(5 points for each serving of fresh, frozen or dried organic fruit you consume per day; 3 points for each serving of unsweetened fruit juice)
Vegetable Consumption
(5 points for each serving of raw or steamed vegetables)
Daily Vitamin/Mineral/ Antioxidant Supplementation
(5 points)
Consumption of Oily Fish (e.g., Salmon) or Omega-3/Fish Oil Supplements
(7 points for consumption four or more times/week; 4 points for consumption 1-3 times/week)
Organic or Range-Fed Meat Consumption
(5 points)
Regular Use of Olive Oil and/or Other Healthy Oils for Cooking
(5 points)
Regular Exercise
(3 points for each 10 minutes of exercise performed per day)
Consumption of Pure, Filtered Water
(1 point for each 8-ounce glass of water; 8 points total for 8 glasses or more)
(2 points for each good, hearty laugh per day, up to 6 points total)
Positive Attitude/Gratefulness/Giving Spirit
(7 points)
Daily Prayer or Meditation
(7 points)
Daily Exposure to Sunlight for 10 or More Minutes
(5 points)
Daily Exposure to Fresh Air/Deep Breathing Exercises
(4 points)
Healthy Relationships and Social Networks
(5 points for each, including church groups, therapy and so forth)
Daily Giving and Receiving Hugs
(2 points for each hug, up to 6 points total)
Total Positive Score: (add all the above scores)
Negative (Pro-Inflammatory) Daily Dietary and Lifestyle Factors
Give yourself the indicated negative (-) number (e.g., -5) for each of the following items that are part of your regular dietary and lifestyle routine. If the item does not apply to you, leave that particular score blank.
(-10 points for each pack smoked)
(-7 points if up to 50 pounds overweight; -10 points if over 50 pounds overweight)
Consumption of Wheat, Dairy or other Sensitivity-Causing Foods
(- 5 points for each food consumed daily e.g., eating bread daily = -5) )
Use of Trans-Fatty Acids (margarine, hydrogenated and partially-hydrogenated oils)
(-5 points for each time used per day)
Exposure to External AGEs (fried foods, doughnuts, pastries, etc.)
(-5 points for each exposure per day)
Consumption of Sugar or Artificial Sweeteners (aspartame, splenda, etc.)
(- 5 points for each food consumed daily e.g., eating bread daily = -5)
Excess Omega-6 Fatty Acid (Arachidonic Acid) Consumption (including corn and other vegetable oils)
(-3 points for each time consumed per day)
Use of Cooking Oils Other than Olive or Other Healthy Oils
(-5 points)
(-7 points for each alcoholic beverage consumed per day)
Negative/Pessimistic Attitude and/or Victim Mentality
(-7 points)
Tendency Towards Unforgiveness
(-7 points)
Averaging Less Than Seven Hours of Sleep
(-7 points)
Poor Water Intake
(-7 points for less than six 8-ounce glasses per day)
Chronic Exposure to Mold in Home or at Work
(-5 points)
Less than Ten Minutes of Daily Sun Exposure
(- 4 points)
Total Negative Score (add all the above scores)
Combine both of your positive and negative scores to tally your NET SCORE.
NOTE TO MICHELE: Can this key appear again when their test is calculated with the range they fall within highlighted in some obvious way?
50 or above = Excellent (Very low risk of chronic inflammation)
25 to 49 = Very Good
0 to 24 = Fair -1 to -24 = Poor
-25 to -49 = Very Bad
-50 or below = Emergency (Extremely high risk of chronic inflammation)