I have an autoimmune disease. Would the diet in your book be beneficial to me?
Absolutely! People with autoimmune illnesses, such as Lupus, Hoshimoto’s Thyroiditis, Rheumetoid Arthritis (to name a few) generally have systemic inflammation and could benefit from an anti-inflammatory diet, making the diet and our book and recipes a great tool for you.
My doctor recommended the Paleo diet for my health condition. Why would this diet be a better option? When you work your way through the 10-week elimination portion of the diet (Phases 1-4), the end result is a truly customized plan that is the perfect plan for you. We find that this approach results in a more inclusive diet, allowing a larger variety of healthy and nourishing foods. Some people will find that they can not tolerate dairy, grains, starches and legumes so will in essence be on the Paleo diet, but that only happens infrequently. It seems a shame to eliminate high-quality foods that your body can tolerate (or even thrives on) and the important nutrients those foods have, which is why we think this diet is a great option for most people.